Bibliografie arhivistica online |
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Lucrări consultabile integral:
Barone, Nicola - Lezioni di archivistica, Napoli, 1914
Bascapé, Giacomo Carlo - Sigillografia. Il sigillo nella diplomatica, nel diritto, nella storia, nell'arte, I: Sigillografia generale, i sigilli pubblici e quelli privati, Milano, 1969
Bascapé, Giacomo Carlo - Sigillografia. Il sigillo nella diplomatica, nel diritto, nella storia, nell'arte, II: Sigillografia ecclesiastica, Milano, 1978
Brenneke, Adolf - Archivistica. Contributo alla teoria ed alla storia archivistica europea (traduzione italiana di Renato Perrella), Milano, 1968
Casanova, Eugenio - Archivistica, Siena, 1928
Costamagna, Giorgio - Perchè scriviamo cosi. Invito alla paleografia latina, Roma, 1987
Jenkinson, Hilary - A Manual of Archive Administration includin the Problems of War Archives and Archive Making, Oxford, 1922
Muller, S.-Feith, J. A.- Fruin, R. - Ordinamento e inventario degli archivi, Torino, 1908
Panella, Antonio - Come ordinare gli archivi, "Notizie degli Archivi di Stato", 8 (1948), p. 16-18
Pistolese, Serafino - Les archives européennes du onzième siècle à nos jours. Essai historique et juridique, Roma, 1934
Steffenz, Franz - Paléographie latine, Trèves-Paris, 1910
Vittani, Giovanni - Diplomatica. Appunti dalle lezioni del ~, Milano, 1914-1915
Lucrări consultabile parţial (prin google books):
Ancient Archives and Archival Traditions. Concepts of Record-Keeping in the Ancient World (ed. by Maria Brosius, Oxford, 2003
Archives and Library Administration. Divergent Traditions and Common Concerns (ed. by Lawrence J. McCrank), 1986
Archives, Documentation, and Institutions of Social Memory. Essays of the Sawyer Seminar (ed. by Francis X. Blouin Jr. and William G. Rosenberg), 2006
Bischoff, Bernhard - Latin Palaeography. Antiquity and the Middle Ages(translated by Daibhi o Croinin and David Ganz), Cambridge, 1990
Boyle, Leonard E. - Medieval Latin Palaeography. A Bibliographical Introduction, 1984
Cox, Richard J. - Closing an Era. Historical Perspectives on Modern Archives and Records Management, 2000
Cox, Richard J. - Personal Archives and a New Archival Calling. Readings, Reflections, and Ruminations, Duluth, 2008
Craig, Barbara - Archival Appraisal. Theory and Practice, Muenchen, 2004
Derolez, Albert - The Palaeography of Gothic Manuscript Books. From the Twlefth to the Early Sixteenth Century, Cambridge, 2003
Fisher, Steven - Archival Information. How to Find It, How to Use It, 2004
Leadership and Administration of Successful Archival Programs (ed. by Bruce W. Dearstyne), 2001
Management of Library and Archival Security. From the Outside Looking In(ed. by Robert K. O'Neill), 1998
Managing Preservation for Libraries and Archives. Current Practice and Future Developments (ed. by John Feather), Aldershot-Burlington, 2004
Professional Genealogy. A Manual for Researchers, Writers, Editors, Lecturers, and Librarians (ed. by Elizabeth Shown Mills), Baltimore, 2001
Ridener, John - From Polders to Postmodernism. A Concise History of Archival Theory, Duluth, 2009
Smith, Kelvin - Public Sector Records Management. A Practical Guide, Aldershot-Burlington, 2007
Student Records Management. A Handbook (ed. by M. Therese Ruzicka and Beth Lee Weckmueller), 1997